Clara Marcelli

Since 2006, Daniele and Emanuele Marcelli along with Papa Raffaele and Mama Clara (whom the winery is named after) have been making wine at Cantina Clara Marcelli, farming their 10 hectares organcially in the lesser-known Marche region on Italy's Adriatic Sea. 
The vineyards are at 750 feet above sea, facing East to the Adriatic and South to the gorgeous Tronto valley.
Less than half of the estate is planted with vineyards, and the remainder is arable land, woods and olive groves. The estate is certified organic by the Istituto Mediterraneo di Certificazione (IMC).
The family grows wine according to century-old farming methods, and their estate is a living example of how sustainable agriculture has never left these lands.
The hard work of the local grape growers, matched by the wine making skills of local wine makers, like Marco Casolanetti, are taking the wines of the Southern Marche region to world fame.
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